April 02, 2013

WTF Where have you been?!

I have definitely been neglecting this blog way too much -_-! My Glymm order did eventually arrive, for those of you who were wondering... I got the Anastasia Bold and Beautiful kit which Sephora now sells, as well as an RGB Polish in Punch. I took pics of them to review and post on here, but after taking a bunch of photos for future posts I started to realize this blog is becoming way too materialistic. I'm not sure I like the direction it's heading =(. I don't want it to be a place to say I bought this and this today, I actually want to have some value in what I post. Quality > Quantity. That being said, I feel I should take a little Hiatus while I really think about what I want for this blog (also still working out where to host my site to move to wordpress :P).

In better news, it looks like I'll be finally getting my iMac earlier than expected! My parents got really tired of seeing me struggle on this crappy computer after my previous one broke haha so they've decided to loan me the $. Since I'm still looking for a job, as soon as I get it I can pay them back ;)! They knew I wouldn't just take their money haha they know me so well. Awesome parents <3.

Anyways, I won't be updating for a few weeks :(! On Hiatus!

March 15, 2013

March Topbox Review

I actually received my Topbox last Friday... I feel terrible for waiting this long to post my review! I usually review my boxes as soon as I get them, but Topbox really surprised me! They usually ship out on or close to the 10th of the month, but this month it arrived on the the day I got my shipping notification O_O. LIGHT SPEED FAST HOLY CRAP. Anyways, here is my belated review about what I got this month...

Keep reading for the full review!

March 08, 2013

February Glymm Bag Review

Right... "February" Glymm bag -__-. Lol I finally got it today! Apparently they shipped out last week, but no one received notifications. Last month they told us when the box was going to be delayed, this month thye just decided to change the shipping date to the end of the month. I don't remember receiving any notice of this so I'm just going to assume they didn't give notice. This means from now on your boxes are always received in the month following the actual month it's for @@. I guess for new subbies they won't notice since it'll feel like they're receiving their bags super early. Anyways, here's what I got this month:

Keep reading for the full review!

March 07, 2013

Glymm Update + Randoms

So it's now March and I still haven't done my review for February's Glymm bag. This is entirely Glymm's fault as I still received it yet lol. Apparently it's "on the way" according to Glymm, but I haven't received any shipment notification. I did notice some people on the east coast got theirs already despite no shipment notification so I'm not too worried there. I have a feeling west coast dwellers won't see theirs until Friday. Until then please bear with me x_x. Speaking of Glymm, they already charged me for my March box before I even get to touch February's box. They've been disappointing me the last few months so I think I'll be cancelling before getting charged for April. I used all my loyalty points already so I'll do a review on the stuff I bought with them soon as well :)

In other news, I've been thinking to move everything to my own hosted Wordpress site after doing some research on content ownership @_@. In the long run this will probably be better too. I'll have to play around with the layout etc. It's going to be a little difficult using just text at first since my computer died and I'm without Photoshop while using a temp beater computer. Luckily it juuust made it until I graduated. JOB, WHY U NO COME YET SO I CAN BUY NEW COMPUTER!?

That's all for now... will keep you guys updated on the Glymm situation :)!

February 15, 2013

February Topbox Review

I got my Topbox yesterday! Pretty quick shipping this time :)! The great thing about Topbox is you can always count on them to ship by the 10th unlike Glymm (who btw still has not sent me a shipping notification -_-). Anyways, prior to this month's box Topbox sent out an email asking if we would like to choose from three brand Prive boxes and showed us the contents of each. The Benefit one was nice, but I owned a lot of the products that came with it already and the other two Prive boxes didn't really interest me. I decided to take my chances and go for a regular Topbox. I'm really glad I did because I LOVE this month's box :D! Here's a quick glimpse at what I received this month:

Keep reading for the full review!

February 13, 2013

Future Reviews

For those of you wondering why I don't review my Topbox/Glymm box items as soon as I recieve them, it's because I've made a rule for myself to minimize clutter on my bathroom counter. I only open one or two of an item category at a time (ie. only 2 moisturizers being used at a time) and I don't open anything new until I've finished something. This was after my mascara incident where I had 10 tubes open, but barely used and had to throw away most due to expiry. That being said, I've been racking up more and more stuff at a much faster pace than I can use. I also buy a lot of things to try (especially after my trip to Taiwan).

For an idea of just how much stuff I'm talking about... here is proof:

I am slightly ashamed by this. Makeup hoarding?

As you can see there's still a lot of stuff for me to get to. Some of the above items are backups of stuff I already love too. I probably won't review them all, just the ones that really wow me or irk me lol. I'm very excited to start using the ZA stuff! I have the 2-way face powders, wide eyes mascara, and three moisturizers (a gel, a cream, and a spray one). Also not pictured are about 15 boxes of sheet masks as well as a box of the acid peel for feet. 

Look forward to my future reviews, I promise they'll be posting on here frequently ;)!

February 04, 2013

January Glymm Bag Review

I got my January Glymm bag on Friday (Feb 1st) which is pretty late even for Glymm. What happened was they emailed everyone close to the 10th of January saying one item was delayed so the entire box that month would be delayed. No biggie, how nice of them to let us know right? No! No one heard anything for like weeks and even their Twitter and Facebook seemed oddly silent then out of no where they emailed a shipment notification. I heard some people didn't even get a notification and the bag just sort of popped up on their doorsteps one day. Anyways, all errors aside, here is what I got this month:

Keep reading for the full review!

January 20, 2013

Life After Grad

One of the happiest things that happened to me last August was finishing university! After 4.5 long years I managed to finish everything I set out to accomplish. Although there were many times I thought I wouldn't have the time to do it all, I managed to squeeze everything into the extra half a year and get it done x_x. Now that I'm finished, my life has been a lot different from what I was used to before.

Me and my boyfriend on graduation day :) Our squatting looks like toadstools lol.

January 19, 2013

January Topbox Review

I got my January Topbox on Thursday and was surprised to see this month's box had a Clinique theme. Don't get me wrong I'm a huge Clinique fan, but being a regular buyer of their products already I usually rack up a lot of "free gift with purchase" bags filled with deluxe samples throughout the year at the department stores. The downside of this is that this box didn't give me a lot of new things to try, but the plus side is I can provide a decent review of the products having used them for a while now.

January 11, 2013

New Year, New Blog

I finally decided to start blogging again. The last time I had an actual blog was during high school. I ended up closing it after realizing high school life was extremely uneventful to write about and all the problems I thought were "big deals" at the time were actually quite lame. For those of you who follow me on Luuux, I now blog here :)! I didn't like all the limitations on Luuux and sometimes after spending a long time on a post it would just disappear due to yet another network error. I'll try to post there from time to time still.

I initially wanted to start this blog on January 1st, but ain't nobody got time for that *insert meme here*. Lol no I kid, I was actually stumped on what to name this thing. Then it hit me... how about my name? Considering this is a personal blog about myself, it seems like the only fitting name really. So tada, welcome to Aly Wu.

I'm not huge on long introductions about what I'll be blogging about because I'll probably end up making promises I can't keep. So to avoid that I'm just going to go ahead and start blogging whatever pops into my head. I promise this will be much more organized as time progresses.

Hope you all look forward to what's coming ;D

Me and my dog Nina. You'll probably be seeing lots of her.

Follow me on Twitter and Instagram: @Aly_Wu